Thank you for choosing to renew!
Please note that your membership renewal is not complete until (*):
- Payment has been made and received.
- You have updated your profile information by either:
- Filling out all parts of the renewal form.
- French Fillable Word Form: Click Here
- English Fillable Word Form: Click Here
(Note: you may need to right-click on the link to download it.)
- Checking and updating your profile information.
- Filling out all parts of the renewal form.
- You have submitted supporting documents of PD (see note below) as necessary.
You can submit supporting documents on the website through Manage My Account
OR you can email them directly to
If you experience difficulty renewing using this page, please contact and we will complete your renewal for you.
Please check your profile and ensure that it is up to date.
The form below only asks for your email & PD activity.
If any other parts of your profile have changed, please update them.
According to the Conditions of Membership [Article 5.3 (f)], to renew your membership you must have participated in at least one professional development activity related to at least one skills listed in the List of Competencies in the year before the renewal, e.g., in a seminar, conference, workshop, specialized certificate, university course, etc. You must also provide official or unofficial proof of participation in the activity, such as a digital copy of the announcement, a receipt or certificate, etc.
You can either attach your evidence of PD to your profile, or email it to