Welcome and thank you for considering to reach out to the Association for your hiring needs. Each member of ACCP-CAID is a Certified Instructional Designer that has demonstrated competency in the skills of Instructional Design.
In order to post a job you need to create an account on this site. Go to the Sign-up page and choose the Employer option. It is FREE to do so. After your account is set up, you will be automatically directed to the posting page. After submitting your posting, you will receive some notifications to your email address about it and future access to the site. Once you have an account you are an Employer Member, so use the Member Log In button on the home page to post again or manage your posting(s).
We would appreciate any feedback you have on the process or your experience in recruiting through the ACCP-CAID. If you have any difficulties, questions or feedback please reach out to the Employment Coordinator.